The Subsoil Salinity Tool (SST) Version 3.0 is a software tool used to assess, manage, and guide remediation of salinity impacts. It is an approved regulatory tool by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) and Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), and can be used to generate Tier 2A and 2B Subsoil Remediation Guidelines (SRGs) for chloride, SAR and sodium. Training course offerings include two distinct options – a full 4-day certification course and a 1-day overview course. Each course touches on the following topics, though in substantially more detail in the full certification course than the 1-day overview course:
purpose, basis, and benefits of the SST
key receptors and risks related to salinity / chloride contamination
what guidelines are relevant to salt contamination and where they should be applied
variables that drive the movement of salinity / chloride within soils and water
layout and content of the SST User Manual
key information required to perform an SST assessment
minimum site investigation requirements
reporting requirements
typical case examples
Further details of each course are provided below:
Full 4 day certification course
This 4 day course includes over three days of instruction on theory, software tool operation, and case studies, with the exam on the fourth day (four-hour comprehensive exam). Students achieving a passing mark (80%) will obtain AEP certification and a certificate number registered at AEP for submitting SST derived SRGs. The course will include instruction on the newest Version 3.0 (build 3.0.1) including the subsoil SAR/sodium module, along with some comparisons to the previous version to provide context for the numerous updates/upgrades in Version 3.0. Successful completion of the course including passing the exam will result in SST certification allowing the formal submittal of SST assessments.
April 8-11, 2025
Courses are offered virtually/online
$1400 + GST (full course including certification exam)
$1200 + GST (full course but taken as an audit without certification exam (no prerequisite to already have taken the course. Does not result in certification)
$750 + GST (previously-certified practitioners wishing to retake the full course as a refresher (no exam since already certified)
Additional Information:
If you are interested in registering, please send completed registration forms to sstinfo@eqm.ca.
Payment arrangements can be made by contacting accounting@eqm.ca.
1 day overview course
This 1 day overview course will provide an overview of the Subsoil Salinity Tool (SST), and is intended for a range of audiences for whom a high-level understanding of salinity impacts and techniques for their investigation and remediation is important but who do not require specific formal certification. This could include producers, project managers, field investigators, representatives of various government or regulatory agencies, or a range of other positions. For those who require formal certification to use the SST and sign-off on assessments submitted to AEPA or AER, the full multi-day certification course (including exam) should be considered instead. All the topics listed above will be covered at a higher-level in this overview course.
April 15, 2025
Courses are offered virtually/online
$500 + GST
Additional Information:
If you are interested in registering, please send completed registration forms to sstinfo@eqm.ca.
Payment arrangements can be made by contacting accounting@eqm.ca.
Additional Course Offerings
Tier 2 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Guidelines
Contact us for additional details on content and availability.
Basic toxicology
Contact us for additional details on content and availability.
Custom Course Development
Contact us for additional information regarding custom designed courses for government groups or individual organizations.